Saturday, June 30, 2007

Any vegetable recipe

This recipe goes out to all those moms out there whose measurements consist of eyeballing things and pouring it into the palm and throwing it into the pan and continuing that till it tastes just right :-)


A few chopped onions
A few chopped green peppers (substitute any vegetable for that - squash, mixed frozen mix of any kind ...)
A few cubed potatoes
Salt, red chilli powder, black pepper, ginger, garlic, garam masala to taste

Put enough oil to cover the bottom of the skillet and add onions once the oil is hot. Add the spices to the onions and cook till soft.

Add the potatoes and around a cup of water. Cover and cook on medium heat till potatoes are softer but not fully cooked.

Add the green peppers with a little more water if all the water has dried. Cook till the peppers are soft. Colorful and easy dish.

Oh, and just like all the moms out there, I forgot to mentiont that with the potatoes, I also put in a couple of tomatoes.

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